Recently, there was a post made by SH80 asking us to name the scariest movies we've ever seen. I love film, so I'm always happy to chat about it and hear input from others in all genres. Quite specifically, there is a "genre" which has always captivated me, and I wanted to get an idea of what others think of movies in this category. This special brand of film I like to label "bad" movies or as more commonly referred to as the B-Movies. Plan 9 is often included in this category as one of the best there is, but I'm here to shed some light on a couple others that you may have either seen or should see. I would also like to hear from users about others that I should watch, because I'm always interested in more! The list I've compiled just contains three of my favorites, although there are more, which I think best encapsulate the motif. The list is as follows:

Killer Klowns from Outer Space: This movie depicts everything that would happen to a town should mutant, alien clowns land and start taking over to assimilate our race into cotton candy energy. Somehow the majority of the city, except our protagonists of course, are oblivious to the giant 8-foot clowns hanging around, citizens vanishing, and the huge meteor that came zipping down just miles outside of town! From popcorn-shooting guns to balloon animal tracking dogs, this movie will certainly entertain those looking for a good laugh.
Mosquito: One movie you're sure to catch replayed on the Sci-Fi channel now over and over again. This movie is so bad, it's good! I especially love the criminals dressed in camouflage who can't seem to get on the same page or do anything right together. Giant mosquitoes, like something from the Cretaceous Era, come take over a camp/park and start draining everyone dry. They leave behind pale, shriveled, human prunes as victims and are laying eggs to populate the planet even more! My favorite aspects of the picture are the prop mosquitoes that you can see still dangling from the wires in many scenes. With such fake attacks and piss-poor acting, you're sure to have a blast watching this one. On a related note, I think when they were consulting on how to make the humans look after Imhotep assimilated them in The Mummy, they referred to mosquito draining techniques. 
Tammy and the T-Rex: Wow, does this one ever top my list as the all-time best "bad" movie! Any movie where a high school kid gets murdered by other students when they have him killed by a lion and then has his brain inserted into a cybertronic Tyrannosaurus Rex by a mad-scientist has to be pure box office gold, no?! I wonder how Denise Richards and Paul Walker feel about this one. I don't really know how much else I can say about this one other than its complete lunacy. Enjoy!
Close to making this top-three list were Teenage Caveman and Frogs. Now it's your turn. Gimme a little taste of your favorites so I can get out there and do some renting!!