Well, I happen to be quite bored this evening. Much infact to be watching a movie on the internet (although it is the classic Groundhog Day w/ Bill Murray). I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves comedy and unique story. It's been a favorite for me for years now. Anyway, more to the point of my post this evening (ha, it's actually around 1:30 AM)...
I'm currently in the process of packing everything in my apartment up to be moved to a new one. Good thing is, I'm not leaving this state (I love Wisconsin). This will be the second move in two months for me!! AHH!!! I'm about ready to pull my hair out! Anyone who moves around a lot or even has to do it once can relate. 
The reason for the move is to begin my new teaching career. I've been working hard ever since I changed schools and major emphasis to education so that I could find a great job in this state. Lucky for me, I knabbed one! I'm just a beginning teacher, so who knows how everything will pan out, but I'm as prepared as I can be, and as always, I'll give it my best. I am curious to know how education is supported where ever you, the readers, are located? I hope that everyone takes the time to consider not just the headlining issues with the upcoming elections, but also those that seem to not make the cut for media broadcast or advertisment subjects. I believe education needs to become an increased priority in this nation as we are falling behind drastically in global standards assessments. Only we can help ourselves though.
If you have children, get involved with their schooling as much as possible. Parent/guardian involvement improves a child's experience through school in extraordinary ways! Educate them before reaching the school system; don't simply rely on the the schools to mold their knowledge. We need a future with diverse thinkers who can bridge the gap between various perspectives in any situation. I'm not saying we are in a state of drastic need for improvement, but really that we just need to keep pushing ourselves harder and not simply settle for "okay" standards. Increase school funding whenever possible, we need to stop taking away from schools/students in need of better facilities or methods of instruction.