I'm sad to say that during a Democratic National Convention watch tonight, there were some belligerent fools spouting off racist, insenstive nonsense while ignoring Obama's message to the people of this country at the local event I was attending. I feel deeply saddened and disappointed when some of our public will not even pay our representatives the time of day. I know much of the public here in these forums is politically active and vocal, but I would like to ask you to inform others who may not be so open that the politicians are up there expressing their views for us as citizens, not for themselves. The President of the United States does not make that much money for the job expected; we should show those willing to answer the call and make a difference our respect and attention.
We all come from different backgrounds and grasp varying principles, but one thing we should recognize as Americans is our ability to come together. When I see people ignoring the issues or ignoring those willing to help the country I get so aggravated. You may not support Obama, but hear him out as he stands before the entire nation and parts of the world. You may not support McCain, but hear him out as he does exactly the same. If you see people acting insensitively as though either one of these candidates is a joke, then do something about it. Try and correct their behavior and inform them that the candidate is speaking to the nation, not only his supporters. People are proud to be able to voice their opinions, that is what makes this country what it is...but it is an entirely different matter to tread on others who actually answer one of the highest calls in this nation.
I'm sure there will be many Obama supporters who will ignore the message of John McCain at the Republican National Convention, but I urge them not to. I request that you be informed, that you listen actively and that you respond as an educated citizen of the United States to your own fundamental beliefs. Neither candidate wants to drive us into the ground; neither candidate wants to climb to new heights that would be forever unattainable or destined for failure. Those are not principles of this country! Let's do our part and be informed, and let's have our own voice in government, not just the promises of these two candidates.
Also, don't listen to the pundits...think for yourselves
I think I've ranted enough.